Recolearn Limited: Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

1. Introduction

Recolearn Limited, a London-based company, is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of gender. We recognize that gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also essential for achieving our business objectives and creating a positive and productive work environment. This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) outlines our commitment to promoting gender equality in all aspects of our operations.

2. Policy Statement

Recolearn Limited is dedicated to:

  • Eliminating gender-based discrimination in all its forms.
  • Promoting equal opportunities for all employees in recruitment, career development, and promotion.
  • Creating a work environment that supports work-life balance and respects individual needs.
  • Ensuring gender balance in leadership and decision-making roles.
  • Integrating the gender dimension into our products and services where applicable.
  • Preventing and addressing gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.

3. Minimum Process-Related Building Blocks

  • Public GEP:Yes: This GEP will be a formal document published on Recolearn Limited's website and signed by the Managing Director/CEO.
  • Dedicated Resources:Yes: Recolearn Limited will allocate resources, including designated personnel and budget, to implement and monitor the GEP. A designated Gender Equality Officer will be appointed.
  • Data Collection and Monitoring:Yes: Recolearn Limited will collect and analyze sex/gender-disaggregated data on personnel, including recruitment, promotion, and retention rates. Annual reports will be generated based on key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Training:Yes: Recolearn Limited will provide mandatory awareness-raising and training programs on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for all staff and decision-makers.

4. Recommended Thematic Areas and Concrete Measures

  • Work-life Balance and Organisational Culture:Yes:Flexible working arrangements (e.g., remote work, flexible hours).
  • Support for employees with caregiving responsibilities.
  • Promotion of a culture that values work-life balance and discourages excessive working hours.
  • Regular surveys to gauge employee satisfaction regarding work life balance.
  • Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making:Yes:Targets for increasing the representation of women in leadership positions.
  • Transparent and objective selection processes for leadership roles.
  • Mentoring and sponsorship programs for women.
  • Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression:Yes:Gender-neutral job descriptions and recruitment materials.
  • Training for hiring managers on unconscious bias.
  • Transparent and equitable performance evaluation and promotion processes.
  • Career developement plans offered to all employees.
  • Integration of the Gender Dimension into Research and/or Teaching Content:Yes:Where applicable, Recolearn Limited will review its product/service content to ensure it is inclusive and addresses gender-related issues.
  • If Recolearn Limited develops educational content, it will ensure that it is free from gender stereotypes and promotes gender equality.
  • Measures Against Gender-Based Violence Including Sexual Harassment:Yes:A clear and comprehensive policy against gender-based violence and sexual harassment.
  • Confidential reporting mechanisms.
  • Prompt and impartial investigations of all complaints.
  • Training for all employees on preventing and addressing gender-based violence.
  • Clear disciplinary actions for those who violate the policy.

5. Implementation and Monitoring

  • The Gender Equality Officer will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the GEP.
  • Regular progress reports will be submitted to the senior management team.
  • The GEP will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure its effectiveness.
  • KPI's will include, but are not limited to, the gender pay gap, the amount of women in leadership positions, and the amount of reported cases of discrimination/harassment.

6. Communication and Transparency

  • This GEP will be published on Recolearn Limited's website and communicated to all employees.
  • Regular updates on progress will be provided to employees through internal communication channels.

7. Senior Management Commitment

  • The senior management team of Recolearn Limited fully supports this GEP and is committed to its implementation.

Answering the Questions:

  • Does your GEP fulfil the following four minimum process-related building blocks?Public GEP: Yes
  • Dedicated resources: Yes
  • Data collection and monitoring: Yes
  • Training: Yes
  • Content-wise, which of the following recommended thematic areas does your Gender Equality Plan address, using concrete measures and targets?Work-life balance and organisational culture: Yes
  • Gender balance in leadership and decision-making: Yes
  • Gender equality in recruitment and career progression: Yes
  • Integration of the gender dimension into research and/or teaching content: Yes
  • Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment: Yes

This comprehensive GEP ensures Recolearn Limited meets the Horizon Europe requirements and demonstrates a strong commitment to gender equality.