AI core features for every Plan with 0% transaction Fee

Pricing That Suits Your Pocket





Business Essential

Number of Active Team Members

5 Members

25 Members

50 Members

100 Members

Number of Learners

upto 30

upto 200

upto 500

upto 1000

Storage Space

5 GB

200 GB

500 GB

1 TB

Number of Centers / Branches





AI Based Features

AI based Practice Set Generation (Unlimited)

AI Based Course Content Generation (Unlimited)

AI Based Question Bank Generation (Unlimited)

Trained AI Bot Tutor (Unlimited)

Multi Language Voice translation

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Multi Language Text translation

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Personalised learning

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

AI Based Intelligent Recommendations

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Learning Analytics

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Course Management

Create Courses

20 Courses

50 Courses

100 Courses

200 Courses

Create various types of courses: ( Online, Offline, Hybrid, Self-paced, Instructor-led )

Create Course Categories

Add Course Pdfs, Videos & Quizzes

Drag and drop Content Management

Auto Tracking Of Learners course Progress

Secure Content - Non Downloadable

Content Dripping - Release content in parts

Discussion Forum within course

Course Rating and Review

Quiz Management

Assign quizzes to learners

Multiple Quiz attempts





Automated quiz grading & report

Practice Set - Manual & Ai Based

Schedule Practice Set

Assign Due date for submission

Deduct marks for late submission

Question Bank - Manual & AI Based

Academy Management

Role Based Login (Create Faculty, Sales, Account)

Single Sign on

Activation link based admission

Learner enrolment - Single

Learner enrolment - Bulk upload

Learner's Status (Active / Inactive)

Learners web-portal access

Learners mobile application

Learner's fee notification

Offline Payment management - Cash, Cheque, Digital Transfer - Record upload

Installment option for fee

Order summary

Attendance Management

Batch Management

View Faculty Calendar / Schedule


Performance & Certification

Automated grading

Student Performance Analytics

Rating and review submission for learners

Weekly / Monthly Feedback for learners

Digital certificate generation

Multicenter / Franchise Management

Multiple Centers / Franchisee

Center/ Franchise wise Contract generation

Center/ Franchise wise Course Allocation

Center / Franchise wise default currency

Royalty based monthly Invoicing for Franchisee

Royalty collection reminder

Royalty Bill generation and Payment gateway integration

Center/ Franchise wise performance Analysis


White-label landing page (Only on Annual Subscription)

White-label Shop Page (Only on Annual Subscription)

Custom Branding (Logo, Colors) in Web Portal

Connect your domain (Only on Annual Subscription)

Android / IOS app (Only for Learners on Annual Subscription)

White-label Branded App (Only for Learners on Annual Subscription)

Custom Certificate Design (Only on Annual Subscription)

Email White-labeling (Only on Annual Subscription)

Sales & Marketing

Customised Lead Fields

Multiple Lead Types

Custom Column View

Custom Fields For Leads

Export Leads

Bulk Upload of Leads

Leads Status Based Segmentation

Advanced Filter For Lead Segmentation

Product Management

Create Courses

Create Product / Kits

Create Events / Workshops

Create Multiple Product Categories

Inventory Management of Products

Product Discount Management

Payment Gateway Integration

Create Coupons & Promo Codes

Role Based Discounts

Special Discounts

Product Based Discounts

Account Based Discounts

Multi Currency for all Products

Automated Email Notification

New Learner Enrolment

Fee Reminder to learner

Certificate email to learner

Franchisee Royalty Bill generation email


Onboarding Plan & Migration Support

Knowledgebase Access

Email Support

Call Support

Dedicated Account Manager


SSL Certificates

Email Validation

Mobile app screen shot restriction

Mobile app screen recording restriction

Web Portal Screenshot and Recording Restriction

Secure and Non Downloadable content

Daily Backups

Secure Cloud Hosting

Secure Video Content Delivery

Secure Cloud Azure Servers


API Integration

Third Party Integration


Payment Gateway Integration

Integrate multiple payment gateways

Get a demo

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