My teams represent the members that belong to the organization and its many centres My team section is divided into 4 sub-tabs. Users/Designation/Role Assigned/Archived.

Now let’s manage onboarding a new team member. 
To add a new role, first navigate to the Settings > Roles tab. Then, click the add new role button, enter the role’s name, choose the role type, provide a description, click the active status button, and finally click the create role button. Your role has now been created.

Return to the main menu, click My Teams, and then Role Assigned. You can see that the role you created has emerged here.
As follows Determining a candidate for a position is known as designation.
To create new designation click the “add designation” button Select the role that you have created, enter the name, and provide a description when you click the “add designation” option. Finally, click on “Add Now.”

Moving forward towards Users.
Members who have a designation and are part of the center are called users. 
To onboard the users, click the “Add Users” button. A form will then appear. Fill it out by selecting the designation title, then providing the user with basic information such as their name, email address, contact number, and assigned center. Next, move a little bit down and add their address if they’d like. Furthermore, fill out the fields for education and employment, including the user’s probation start and end dates, Lastly, include the user’s bank information and the type of document. The document types will vary according to the country selected in address section. Click “Save Now” once all the information has been entered. The user will receive an email regarding this once they have onboarded on our platform.

The last section is Archived. 
The designation with 0 users can be removed and moved to the archived area. Also you can restore the designation after clicking on Restore button. 
Please take a notice that the designation cannot be removed if it has at least one user.

What are your feelings
Updated on 17 July 2024

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